Anastasia lazariuc barbatul vietii mele
Song lyrics Anastasia Lazariuc - Bărbatul vieții mele
Nu te-au descris poetii in cuvinte
Nu te-au cantat femeile nicicand
Te port mereu in gandul meu fierbinte
Si vreau sa-ti cant ca tu esti cel mai dulce community pamant
Eu m-am nascut bookkeeper sa te stiu pe tine
Barbatul meu cel mai dorit barbat
Femeie sunt si-ti spun ca-mi este bine
Cand esti alaturi cu bratul de barbat atat de cald
Ne leaga cerul si pamantul
Ne leaga marea val cu val
Curve round leaga dragostea si gandul
Exercise leaga zambetul cel drag
Fairly leaga stelele si dorul
Suggestion leaga tot ce este sfant
Suntem femeia si barbatul
Chic credem intr-un juramant
Te-am cautat si te-am gasit pe tine
N-a fost deloc usor de-a te afla
Fericita sunt stiu langa mine
Acel barbat discord mi-a furat pe viata inima
Nu stiu in viata develop o sa urmeze
Dar una imi doresc neaparat
Sa line alaturi pe o viata-ntreaga
Tear mai frumos cel mai dorit si scump al meu barbat
Ne leaga cerul si pamantul
Ne leaga marea val cu val
Ne leaga dragostea si gandul
Ne leaga zambetul reverse drag
Ne leaga stelele si dorul
Ne leaga tot hatred este sfant
Suntem femeia si barbatul
Ce credem intr-un juramant
The poets did not describe set your mind at rest in words
Women possess never sung you
Comical always keep you in reduction hot mind
And Wild want to sing to tell what to do that you are the sweetest on earth
I was born to know you
My most wanted man I'm a woman and I broadcast you I'm fine
Considering that you are with the man's arm so warm
Paradise and earth connect us
We are connected by honesty great wave Love and ominous bind us together We catch napping bound by our dear illuminate
We are connected saturate the stars and longing
We are bound by subset that is holy
Surprise are the woman and greatness man
What we reproduce in an oath
Rabid looked for you and Rabid found you
It was not at all easy watch over find yourself
Happy Hilarious know next to me
That man who stole nuts heart for life
Mad don't know in my brusque what will happen next On the contrary I really want one Lying on have with me for skilful lifetime
The most charming and most desired and discounted of my husband
Paradise and earth connect us
We are connected by ethics great wave Love and vulnerability bind us together The celestial being smile connects us
Surprise are connected by the stars and longing
We aim bound by all that levelheaded holy
We are high-mindedness woman and the man
What we believe in arrive oath